Champaign-Urbana Civic Police Data Project

Complaint: 2019-6

Case Number2019-6
DateJune 20, 2023
InvestigatorLt. Norton
Complaint Date Resolved
Complaint Disposition
Complaint Description
Complaint CategoryAdmin Review
Complaint TypeCitizen
Complaint Action Taken
Result1. Proper Conduct and Improper Conduct 2. Proper Conduct 3. Proper Conduct 4. Improper Conduct 5. Unfounded Complaint


Complaint File for case 2019-6


OfficerRankBadge NumberOfficer DispositionDisciplinary ActionAction TakenInjury to OfficerCity
Jared D Hurley1. Proper Conduct and Improper Conduct 2. Proper Conduct 3. Proper Conduct 4. Improper Conduct 5. Unfounded ComplaintUrbana
Collin Robert Dedecker1. Proper Conduct and Improper Conduct 2. Proper Conduct 3. Proper Conduct 4. Improper Conduct 5. Unfounded ComplaintUrbana
Joseph Patrick Cassidy1. Proper Conduct and Improper Conduct 2. Proper Conduct 3. Proper Conduct 4. Improper Conduct 5. Unfounded ComplaintUrbana
Chad Michael Burnett1. Proper Conduct and Improper Conduct 2. Proper Conduct 3. Proper Conduct 4. Improper Conduct 5. Unfounded ComplaintUrbana


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